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Benefits of Forgiveness and Why It Is Essential for Healing

Laurie Teixeira and Jari de Jesus

Despite how challenging it may be, we must find a way to forgive people who have hurt us. Forgiveness is essential to our full recovery as human beings who seek to improve our lives and discover our true calling.

In this article, we'll discuss some benefits of forgiveness and how practicing it can be one of the first steps toward your healing journey.

Benefits of Forgiveness

When we're hurt, it isn't easy to see how forgiving someone could help. Forgiveness becomes an even more significant challenge when there is no attempt at amends.

Forgiveness can be challenging because we tend to see it as a favor we owe the person or people who hurt us. But in the long run, it's a gift to ourselves. Forgiveness positively affects our lives only when we decide to practice it.

1. Forgiveness is good for your physical health.

The ability to forgive people has been linked to improved physical health. Among the many physical advantages of forgiving someone is improved heart health. According to the research, forgiveness lowers the risk of heart attack, reduces blood pressure, and improves cholesterol levels. The client's also report improved sleep and lessened pain.

2. It betters mental health.

Forgiveness has been shown to improve psychological well-being. When people can forgive others, they feel less anxious and less depressed. Additionally, people experience less tension. The study's most intriguing finding was that harboring resentment enhanced the participant's risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder.

3. It brings peace.

Forgiveness aids in the healing of profound inner wounds. When we forgive someone, we may feel as if we are doing so for their benefit, but this is not always the case. One of the essential advantages of forgiving is that it offers serenity to your heart, removing distressing feelings.

4. It improves relationships or connections with others.

Resentment and anger directed toward another person impact more than just your connection with that person. If you harbor resentment toward someone, it can seep into your other relationships and cause problems like irritability and a lack of trust. Forgiveness and compassion improve your connections with everyone. In a broken world, it is an essential skill set. Therefore, the more proficient we are at forgiving others, the stronger our bonds with them will be.

5. Forgiveness aids in reclaiming your power.

Many traumatic occurrences result in self-destructive patterns. When someone wrongs you, you may believe you can do nothing. This can create an unhealthy victim mindset in you. Making the decision to forgive is a step toward reclaiming your life and moving on.

6. It aids in the healing process.

The first step toward recovery is learning to forgive those who have hurt you. It is impossible to recover while harboring anger, animosity, and other strong feelings.

7. Encourages you to live in the moment.

We can't go on when we can't let the past go. Negative emotions in the here and now are diminished by dwelling on happier times in the past. If we keep thinking about the wrongs done to us in the past, we will fail to see the good things that happen to us every day.

8. Forgiveness sets you free.

Anger and resentment, and other strong emotions are also significant weights to carry. It lingers and wears us down, influencing numerous areas of our existence. Unforgiveness harms our health and nurtures bitterness and anger. We will suffer the most from carrying around the burden of our inability to forgive.

When we forgive, we relieve ourselves from the burdens of the past—the wounds and traumas—and we prepare ourselves to welcome a brighter, more hopeful future.

How To Practice Forgiveness?

In order to practice forgiveness, you need to have a clear grasp of what it really is. It is important to understand the following:

  • Forgiveness is a decision and not a feeling. Our feelings associated with particular wrongdoing may fluctuate, which is why forgiveness is really a decision to say, "Despite what I am feeling right now, I choose to forgive."

  • Forgiveness isn't about waiting for the person who hurt you to apologize. If you do this, then you might never ever forgive some people. Forgiveness is having the awareness that some people won't even want to make amends, and it's still alright to forgive because you choose to live with a lighter heart.

Learning To Forgive

  1. Find the source of your resentment or pain. Some people may benefit from having professionals guide them through this step.

  2. Allow yourself to feel compassion and understanding as you forgive. Make up your mind to forgive. You can find beauty and love if you look for them with the same steadfastness that you look for ways to vent your anger and pain. It's important to concentrate on being thankful.

  3. Strive to forgive. The next steps are to regain a more optimistic frame of mind and choose forgiveness. You can do some deep breathing or mental imagery exercises to help with your practice.

  4. One of my favorite simple practices on forgiveness is the beautiful Hawaiian Ho'oponopono Prayer:" To make things right."

"I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you."

Saying this simple phrase daily, sometimes multiple times a day, if unpleasant feelings you want to change come up for you. It is amazing in its results if you stick with it.


To forgive is to release oneself, to admit that holding onto strong negative feelings no longer serves the same purpose in your life. To forgive is to release grudges and move on with one's life, free from negativity.

It's releasing and repurposing the vitality that was being wasted on resentment and bitterness. It's transferring our boundless potential to comprehend and embrace other people and ourselves and rediscovering the strengths we've always possessed.

Start today. Start now. You might be surprised at how much better you feel after implementing even a handful of these simple forgiveness practices. It might be hard at first, but eventually, it will become second nature, and you will be free of your anger, resentment, bitterness, and other distressing emotions forever.


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